Can we ever get enough Red and Green?? I know a lot, if not most of you, are like me, and the answer is NO. I'm constantly trolling eBay and other sites looking for pictures of quilts for my files, and one I found today is too good not to share.

I admit that Whig's Defeat is one of my favorites, but even so, this quilt, listed by seller denverantiques, is just stunning. Check out the auction
here for more pictures. I love the touch of double pink, and the clamshell quilting. This is going on my "to-do" list, and not at the bottom either.
Did you know Barbara Brackman has a new blog on
Civil War Quilts? Every week she will post a free pattern for an 8" block, as well as stories of people that lived during the war, and links for further reading. What a great project! My record with BOW's is not good, but I'll have to try harder. This is the first week's block, Catch Me if You Can. There's still time to start and not be behind yet! She is also posting pictures of people's progress as we go.

If you remember, I posted a picture of a quilt called Travels in Time in an earlier
post. The quilt used the Sophia Pearce "tablecloth" fabric. Linda from
Quilt Crossings contacted me to tell me that she has some of the fabric in both colorways, as well as some of the Bouquet fabric which is so great for Broderie Perse. You can order it
here. This is a must if you are making the Morrell quilt, as it's what Di Ford used for the Broderie in it.

While you're there, be sure and check out her great kits and patterns. I don't know if you know this, but I'm partial to cats. :) I picked up this great pincushion pattern there.

She also has some wonderful kits from a designer I'd never heard of, Woolylady. I love them all. Thank to Donna from
The Cat's Meow Two for putting me in contact with Linda.

In the previous post I had an incorrect link to Jeanneke's Little Grace Quilt tutorial. I've fixed it, or you can click
here. You'll have to scroll down a bit. Have a great week, and maybe next post I'll actually have something I've sewn to show you.