A little over a year ago I was contacted by Sue Wildemuth from Illinois Quilt History and asked to do a commission for a project she was starting. Sue has a particular interest in Eagle Quilts, and has quite a collection of them. She features them on her Eagle Quilts: Antique, Vintage, and New Quilt History Study CD for sale on her website.
She told me she wanted to commission a Miniature Historical Eagle Quilt for each decade from 1790 to the present, and asked me to participate. I said I would love to! I picked the 1860's, which is my favorite decade for quilts, textiles, and clothing. The quilt had to be 24 x 24, or smaller, be a reproduction of a quilt from your decade, or in the style of, and of course, have an eagle in it!
I started searching for inspiration, and found it on page 123 of Kiracofe's The American Quilt. It's a four block, appliqued, red and green quilt from northeastern Ohio. Who doesn't love red and green?!
And here is what my interpretation looks like. Although the original has reverse applique, mine is all regular applique, and I embroidered the tendrils in silk.

Here's a closeup of the head.

Sue hopes to have the quilts exhibited at sites around the country in the near future. I'm hoping my Quilt History Study Group can bring the exhibit here to town for the AQS show next year. I'll post more info about where you can see the quilts when it's available.
I had a great time being involved in the project. Thanks so much for asking me Sue!