I shrunk down four of the blocks from the Sally Post quilt. If you haven't heard of this quilt, you can buy the pattern at Sentimental Stitches. There is a signature block on it, done in cross stitch, that reads Sally Post, 1854. Age 63. I've had all the fabric to make this for a few years, you know how that goes. :) But I liked the smaller version so well, I may make the whole quilt that way.

My LQS owner, Chris, from The Attic Window Quilt Shop, gave me a new product to try out, and I have to say, it's the best thing I've found since the 1/4" bias maker, which is saying a lot! It's called Lapel Stick, and it's a temporary, non-staining adhesive that's water soluble. I used it to place my berries on a current project, and when I wanted to move one a bit, I had to PULL it off. I've tried about every liquid and stick glue out there, and wasn't impressed with any of them. I finally just bought an extra couple bottles of pins. :) But you really need to try this. It works better than you could imagine. I need to pick up a couple more so I have one in each room.
I love looking at everyone's pictures of flowers and birds, and I'd love to post some of my own, but with no garden, I'm stuck with just my four bird feeders, and here's what my attempt to take a pic of a woodpecker looks like. :(